Monday, December 22, 2008

Send HTML Mail From Python « ActiveState Code

Send HTML Mail From Python « ActiveState Code: "def createhtmlmail (html, text, subject): '''Create a mime-message that will render HTML in popular MUAs, text in better ones''' import MimeWriter import mimetools import cStringIO out = cStringIO.StringIO() # output buffer for our message htmlin = cStringIO.StringIO(html) txtin = cStringIO.StringIO(text) writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(out) # # set up some basic headers... we put subject here # because smtplib.sendmail expects it to be in the # message body # writer.addheader('Subject', subject) writer.addheader('MIME-Version', '1.0') # # start the multipart section of the message # multipart/alternative seems to work better # on some MUAs than multipart/mixed # writer.startmultipartbody('alternative') writer.flushheaders() # # the plain text section # subpart = writer.nextpart() subpart.addheader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'quoted-printable') pout = subpart.startbody('text/plain', [('charset', 'us-ascii')]) mimetools.encode(txtin, pout, 'quoted-printable') txtin.close() # # start the html subpart of the message # subpart = writer.nextpart() subpart.addheader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'quoted-printable') # # returns us a file-ish object we can write to # pout = subpart.startbody('text/html', [('charset', 'us-ascii')]) mimetools.encode(htmlin, pout, 'quoted-printable') htmlin.close() # # Now that we're done, close our writer and # return the message body # writer.lastpart() msg = out.getvalue() out.close() print msg return msg if __name__=='__main__': import smtplib f = open('newsletter.html', 'r') html = f.close() f = open('newsletter.txt', 'r') text = subject = 'Today's Newsletter!' message = createhtmlmail(html, text, subject) server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail('', '', message) server.quit()"

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